About the Grading System
Each recommendation (movie, television series, or video game) will be graded upon three distinct points:
1 - How good was it?
2 - How scary was the it?
3 - How much did I enjoy it?
Each point/category will be graded on a scale of 1-5 (Stars)

5 - A
4 - B
3 - C
2 - D
1 - FAt times, I may also choose to use half grades ... for example, 3.5 being a (C+)

How good was the it?
5 - Great
4 - Good
3 - Average
2 - Bad - (will do my best to avoid recommending one of these)
1 - Absolutely Terrible - (will probably never recommend one of these)
3.5 - Above Average but not quite Good
How scary was the it? - (scary can also be interpreted creepy and/or disturbing)
5 - Too scary to watch (a grade rarely given out)
4 - Scary
3 - Moderately scary
2 - Not so scary
1 - Shouldn't be considered Scary at all - (will do my best to avoid recommending one of these)
How much did I enjoy it?
5 - I really enjoyed it!
4 - I enjoyed it!
3 - I kind of enjoyed it! (meaning, it was okay)
2 - I didn't enjoy it much!
1 - I hated it - (will probably never recommend one of these)
Each movie will also be tagged "A" or "B" to indicate the quality or type of movie.
A-Movie: - higher budget - "first rated" film
B-Movie: - low-budget - "second rated" film
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